A new jet can fly from London to Sydney in three and a half hours. The record is clear 'rip' the Concorde title as the world's fastest passenger plane.

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jet Hypermach SonicStar
Business jet Hypermach SonicStar reveals plans to make a jet capable of driving at speed 4287 km / hour, the speed is twice the speed of Concorde. This jet will fly at an altitude of 18.9 km. As a result, passengers could see the curvature of Earth.

Chief Executive Richard Lugg Hypermach ambition to bring this jet in 10 years. The project is funded by the Ministry of Industry and British traders.

"We have access to a revolutionary engine technology and unique design of aircraft jet merujudkan super fast for this," he explained.

In June 2021, the first supersonic jet-speed hybrid world would be ready to carry passengers, he added. Jet is claimed to be able to 'surf' at a speed of Mach 3.1, the speed that just might be a hybrid gas turbine engine technology S-MAGJET.

Achieve maximum speed of Mach 3.6. Jet fuel is claimed to be 30-35% more efficient as written Dailymail.

10 fastest aircraft in the world

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The jet is powered by a jet engine and move faster than the propeller-powered aircraft. You can see a jet at a certain place even before your voice can reach there! Yes, undoubtedly some of the jet moving even faster than the speed of sound. The concept of the jet was first given by two engineers, Frank Whittle of Britain and Hans von Ohain Germany. Top 10 fastest jet is as follows:

10: General Dynamics F-111 "Aardvark"

10 General Dynamics F 111 “Aardvark” 10 Fastest Jet Aircraft In The World
It was developed in 1960 by the U.S. and is being actively used from the Royal Australian Air Force. max speed is Mach 2.5 / 2.5 times faster than the speed of sound. Aardvark is powered by twin Pratt & Whitney TF30-P-100 afterburner turbo fans.

9: MIG 31 Foxhound

9 MiG 31 FoxHound 10 Fastest Jet Aircraft In The World
It is produced by a Russian and an advanced version of MiG-25 Foxbat. Foxhound is a max speed of Mach 2.83 or 1860 mph and is driven by two-30F6 SoloveivD afterburner turbo fans. Foxhound has the capacity to produce 34,172 lbf thrust dry.

8: F-15 Eagle

8 F 15 Eagle 10 Fastest Jet Aircraft In The World
A product of the United States, the F-15 Eagle is powered by dual Pratt & amp; Whitney F100 turbofan axial-flow with an ability to produce 29,000 lbf of thrust. It has a maximum speed of Mach 2.5.

7: XB-70 Valkyrie

7 XB 70 Valkyrie 10 Fastest Jet Aircraft In The World
It has a maximum speed of Mach 3.1 and is produced by the United States. This is supported by six General Electric YJ93-GE-3 engine afterburning turbojet.

6: Bell X-2 Starbuster

6 Bell X 2 Starbuster 10 Fastest Jet Aircraft In The World
jet is equipped with a sad history but success with it. It is produced by the United States and is a research project with the ability to cross the Mach 3. Lt.Col. Frank K. "Pete" Everest in November 1955 that the first to test this jet and he flew above Mach 3, but unfortunately, it took his life also. Indeed, the incidence of despair. Starbuster XLR25 sea level is supported by two-valve-engine thrust chamber capable.

5: Mig-25 "Foxbat"

MiG 25 Foxbat 10 Fastest Jet Aircraft In The World
It is produced by Russia and very pragmatic in function at high altitude above 80,000 feet. max speed is Mach 3.2 and is powered by twin Tumansky R-15B-300 afterburning turbojets.

4: SR-71 Blackbird

SR 71 blackbird 10 Fastest Jet Aircraft In The World
It is developed by the Lockheed Corporation, USA in the 1960s and is an upgraded version of the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft. It is powered by two Pratt $ amp; Whitney J58-1 continuous-bleed afterburning turbojets with the ability to supply the 32,500 lbf thrust each. It can fly as high altitude as 100,000 feet with 3 times the speed of sound (Mach 3.5). It is used by the USAF for 40 years and retired in 1998.
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3: X-15

x 15 7 10 Fastest Jet Aircraft In The World
With a maximum speed of Mach 6.72, the X-15 is the third fastest jet aircraft. machine is Thiokol XLR99-RM-2 liquid fuel rocket engine that uses liquid oxygen fuel us. It can fly as high as 354,330 feet.

2: X-43A

2 X 43A 10 Fastest Jet Aircraft In The World
jet is driven by hydrogen and can move at a speed of Mach 9.8. credit goes to ramjet-supersonic-combustion. It is produced by the United States.

1: Space Shuttle

1 Space Shuttle 10 Fastest Jet Aircraft In The World
The world's fastest aircraft, supported by three assemblies containing reusable Orbiter Vehicle or OV, the external tank, or ET-driven LOX/LX2, and two solid rocket boosters are reusable or SRB supported by MMH/N204. max speed is in excess of Mach 20.

The first supersonic private jet

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Aerion Supersonic Jet is the first supersonic aircraft used as small-sized private jet. The jet can fly at speeds up to Mach 1.6 but in accordance with the regulations in the U.S., the aircraft also can fly at speeds under Mach 1.1.

Because it is designated as a private aircraft interior capacity and of course in which you can customize to taste.

The plan of this aircraft will be sold in 2014 but for those of you who do have "little" money saving, this plane can you order right now by giving a down payment of Rp. 25 billion (that's just DPnya doang loh!). While the price of the aircraft is U.S. $ 80 million (equivalent to 800 billion rupiah).

Expensive? Not really, because one of the rich people in Dubai, Sheikh Rashid was the first person who has purchased this supersonic aircraft. :-)

For additional information, the speed of the latest Airbus A380 aircraft is Mach 0.89.

Struck by Lightning, Aircraft Forced to Land

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A chartered plane carrying 400 passengers was struck by lightning shortly after takeoff and was forced to land back at Arlanda Airport in Stockholm, Sweden, on Tuesday (17/08/2010).

"All passengers are now out of the plane and no one was injured," said Magdalena Ohrn of Ving aircraft leasing company.

The plane, owned by Airbus 330-300 Thomas Cook Airlines Scandinavia, was a flight to Antalya in Turkey and carrying 405 passengers and 18 crew.

The aircraft was struck by lightning a few minutes after takeoff, but managed to land without a problem, Torben Anderson said of Thomas Cook Airlines Scandinavia.

The engineers will decide whether the aircraft can fly again or not after the examination. Ohrn hope that all passengers can resume flight.

Anak dari Concorde: pesawat hipersonik baru akan terbang ke Australia hanya dalam waktu empat jam

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Terbang di lebih dari dua kali kecepatan Concorde dan lima kali kecepatan suara, pesawat hipersonik ini diatur untuk masa depan perjalanan udara modern.
Tampak seperti sebuah pesawat penumpang supersonik dari Thunderbirds Gerry Anderson, pesawat revolusioner dengan kecepatan 3.400 mph atas bertujuan untuk terbang antara London (atau Brussel) dan Sydney di bawah lima jam.
Ditagih sebagai "Anak Concorde", pesawat komersial yang dirancang untuk membawa 300 penumpang dan akan mencapai kecepatan Mach 5? lima kali kecepatan suara.
Gulir ke bawah untuk lebih ...
'Anak Concord': Pesawat revolusioner akan terbang pada kecepatan tertinggi 3.400 mph dan harus mampu membawa 300 penumpangMemperbesar gambar
Hi-tech cair hidrogen bertenaga mesin juga akan menghasilkan emisi karbon sedikit, membuat perjalanan udara jauh lebih hijau.
Alan Bond, insinyur senior dalam proyek tersebut, sebagian didanai oleh Badan Antariksa Eropa dan Uni Eropa, kemarin menggambarkan pesawat itu sebagai "unik".
Pesawat tanah-melanggar - dikenal sebagai A2? adalah karya insinyur Inggris di Mesin Reaksi Terbatas di Oxfordshire.
Spesialis datang dengan desain sebagai bagian dari proyek yang disebut Lapcat (Long-Term Konsep Propulsion Lanjutan dan Teknologi).
Tim Mr Bond mencakup banyak yang mengembangkan British Aerospace "Hotol" mesin dirancang pada 1980-an untuk mengirim pesawat ke orbit rendah dan kembali ke bumi dalam waktu singkat.
Gulir ke bawah untuk lebih ...
Hijau mesin: Pesawat hipersonik akan dipicu oleh hidrogen cair - satunya downside adalah bahwa ia tidak memiliki jendelaMemperbesar gambar
Mach 1 adalah kecepatan suara, yang kira-kira sekitar 700mph tapi tergantung pada ketinggian dan kerapatan udara.
Dia mengatakan dari pesawat-super baru yang diusulkan: "Ini dirancang untuk meninggalkan Brussel International Airport, terbang diam-diam dan sub-sonically ke Atlantik Utara di sekitar Mach 0,9 sebelum mencapai Mach 5 di Kutub Utara dan menuju ke bawah Pasifik ke Australia .
"Waktu penerbangan total dari Brussel ke Australia memungkinkan untuk pengendalian lalu lintas udara akan empat jam dan empat puluh menit.
"Kedengarannya luar biasa menurut standar saat ini tapi saya tidak melihat mengapa generasi mendatang tidak bisa melakukan perjalanan hari ke Australasia."
Skema £ 5.4million bertujuan untuk mempelajari jenis sistem propulsi yang diperlukan "untuk mengurangi penerbangan jarak jauh, seperti dari Brussels ke Sydney, kurang dari dua sampai empat jam".
Waktu penerbangan pesawat saat terbang antara Inggris dan Australia adalah 22 jam 50 menit - empat kali lebih lama dari target yang ditetapkan.
Pada 433ft panjang (132m), A2 adalah setengah panjang kapal Titanic dan berat 400 ton, lebih ringan dari Boeing 747.
Untuk mencapai Mach 3 pesawat awalnya menghasilkan dorong melalui mesin yang mirip dengan yang digunakan dalam pesawat jet konvensional.
Tapi di luar Mach 3, sebuah unit spesialis pra-mendinginkan udara super panas yang dihasilkan dengan terbang pada kecepatan tinggi sebelum memasuki turbin, mencegah mesin dari mencair.
Sebelumnya, insinyur telah gagal untuk merancang suatu sistem yang mampu beroperasi pada suhu ekstrim seperti itu.
Jika dibangun, biaya tiket pada A2 - yang akan jelajah di ketinggian 100.000 kaki (30.480 m) - dari Eropa ke Australia diperkirakan sekitar £ 2.000.
Karena didorong oleh hidrogen cair, pesawat hanya menghasilkan uap air dan nitrous oxide sebagai knalpot dan memiliki jejak karbon diabaikan.
Meskipun panjang, pesawat juga akan dapat mendarat di landasan pacu bandara internasional saat ini.
Mr Bond, direktur Reaction Engines Ltd, mengatakan bahwa dari awal berdiri dan dengan kemauan politik yang diperlukan, pesawat bisa terbang komersial dalam waktu 15 tahun.
Ketika ditanyai tentang nama, ia mengakui bahwa penunjukan 'A2' mirip dengan sebutan roket yang digunakan oleh ilmuwan roket Nazi dan selanjutnya NASA pelopor roket Wernher von Braun, tapi mengatakan ini adalah murni kebetulan.
Roket A2 Jerman pelopor untuk A4, yang kemudian diganti oleh Hitler sebagai senjata V-2 untuk Pembalasan (Vergeltung).
"Seseorang tidak menunjukkan ini. Tapi itu suatu kebetulan. Kami tidak berniat untuk meluncurkan mereka ke London," kata Bond Mr.